There are several sites that anyone following the Cold War and war time era Royal Canadian Navy might be interested in.
For Posterity's Sake is a superb site run by Garry Weir. I recommend it
RCN Photographs and stories This site was set up and maintained by Charlie Dobie who like me was a sonarman and served on HMCS St Therese a Prestonian class frigate when I was on HMCS La Hulloise. The site allows former sailors to post stories and photographs from their own collections.
World War 2 at Sea
A Flickr site Lots of RCN Ships' photos old and new
Historic Navel Ships Association (HNSA) is an extensive site with a lot of information. It can be a bit tricky to maneuver through but it is well worth the visit.
Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
Crowsnest Magazine Archive A pre-unification publication the Crowsnest was replaced with the Sentinel when the Government in it's wisdom unified the Navy, Army and Air Forve into the Canadian Armed Forces.
Canadian Stokers
Canadian Navy Sonar Systems
Sea Spies is a video about the cold war and the underwater listening system. In the 1950’s and 60’s the American Navy and later the RCN and other NATO forces collaborated in establishing a huge array of seabed mounted hydrophones which went by the name the Sound Surveillance System or SOSUS.
More on SOSUS
Transforming Anti Submarine Warfare Looks like a powerpoint presentation about sonar systems
Prestonian Class Frigates The Prestonian-class ocean, anti-submarine escort frigate was a class of 21 frigates that served with the Royal Canadian Navy from 1953-1967.
HMCS La Hulloise My first ship, the La Hulloise was a Presiotian Class Frigate sailing out of Halifax.
HMCS Gatineau My second ship a Restigouche class destroyer escort DDE
HMCS Restigouche My third ship
HMCSubmarine Onondaga After submarine school I was drafted to the Onondaga
The Onondaga in Bermuda
U-Boat Wreck Site Sunk by HMCS La Hulloise in Georges Channel of the Coast of Wales.
A Submarine site Starts with the Onondaga but with links to several other submarines and info about submarine systems
Submariners Association of Canada I was a member when I lived in Ottawa but lapsed. I am in the process of trying to renew. Lots of old shipmates there.
Submariners Association of Canada (East) with links to all the boats
Significant Canadian Ships A short paper with photos about the RCN's ships from WW2 to the 1990's.
The Bonnie HMCS Bonaventure and shots of crashed Sea King Helicopter
Haze Grey and Underway Navel history and photography
Ready Aye Ready Canadian Navy news and archive. Pretty good but some broken links
Historic Naval Sounds There is everything from wartime radio communications to training recording for sonarmen, fish noises and whale sounds. It is a bit pedantic but interesting to someone who may have been there.
U-Boat Archive An extensive archive of WW2 German U-Boats
The Canadian War Museum Their Naval section is here
My Flickr site Not much Navy here but it is my site so what the hell.
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